the domestic sphere

my dalliances with all things domestic


happy anniversary, blog!

I realized recently that the Domestic Sphere and I are about to celebrate our first anniversary. As I was about to throw Blogger across the room, I decided to indulge in a gift a little on the early side... so we'll just declare it the start of "Birthday Week"! We've gone Pro (Blogger-Pro); hopefully this will sort out all the problems we've been having with Blogger and up the posting frequency.

The true first post was March 25, 2002, so we've got a few days to go. Hard to believe it's only been a year. Knitting and the self-reflectiveness of posting about various projects, thoughts and observations have truly changed the shape of my days over the last year. First, it's completely legitimized my knitting and other handiwork. Previously, I felt a bit dorky, seized by the need to turn some bit of fiber to garment. I felt a tad guilty, even with modest expenses to support my craft. My audience was small and one can't run about crowing about the brilliant way one managed the raglan decreases in daily life... at least not to good effect. Now, I am driven to keep the creativity flowing, to keep moving on projects, to try new things... The people don't want to read about me cleaning out the vegetable drawer! I think I have also become more observant -- at least about design. I pay more attention to the play of colors, both intentional and accidental, I am more conscious of what people are wearing, how the garments suit them, how they are shaped and colored and textured. I have also produced a lot in the last year. The blog makes all these bits and pieces, the various experiments, the more involved projects into more of a coherent story -- a story to tell to myself and to you.

I want to thank you for your readership, especially for your comments and emails, over the last year. I owe big thanks to a few in our community: A mighty huzzah to Bonne Marie and Wendy for their unceasing enthusiasm for knitting; it inspired me to get started. Their prodigious output and their tenacity for blogging about it, rain or shine, prod me to keep going. Thanks to Theresa for her blog help and encouragement, especially in the early days of my blog. Thanks to Kerrie, Melissa, and Kate for being loyal readers. Your regular comments are much appreciated. And special thanks to Amy for starting Knitty, for giving me the opportunity to "work" with her and launching me as a card-carrying knitwear designer.

posted by kristi at 3/20/2003 07:21:00 AM
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