the domestic sphere

my dalliances with all things domestic


nothing but flowers.

This could be another entry in the "I like yellow" category, I know. This is a huge yellow iris from my neighbor's garden. She's a big gardener and always there if I need advice... or seeds.

She and Ella and I had a multigenerational outing to the San Diego Museum of Art last Friday to see Art Alive. This is a yearly event, apparently, where they have floral designers make arrangements inspired by a particular piece of art, then they display the flowers and the artwork together. It was neat and inspired me to do that sort of floral-vegetal thing, but it wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. Few pieces really "spoke" to their companion art pieces or were really thoughtful about their choices of plant matter. Anyway, it was a good thing to see, but the place was mobbed. A good portion of the mob were these ladies and their sistern.

I couldn't resist photographing them in all their red and purple glory.

The next morning the family and I were off the New Hampshire for Passover. I have never been to that part of the woods. I didn't get much chance to hang with the locals, but it is only just barely starting to be spring there. The sort of spring that means "thawed". We did have a snow flurry and with careful eyes I saw the ocassional bulb just pushing through the surface of the soil.

We did experience maple syrup, however. And lots of the usual family Pesach fun. Next year in Ann Arbor!

posted by kristi at 4/09/2004 06:55:00 AM
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