the domestic sphere

my dalliances with all things domestic



doesn't sound like i'm optimistic about posting frequently with a title like that, does it?

I told melissa, the empress of dirt , that i would show her my closet if she showed me hers. i haven't forgotten, and have taken the before pictures, but my bouts of anal retentiveness have been spent elsewhere. like for instance i helped a friend confront her linen closet, boys' clothes and garage this week. Filling 3 garbage cans and 2 station wagons full to overflowing.

In between my bouts of clutter intervention, I've been doing a final read through Amy and Jillian's fabulous forthcoming Big Girl Knits . If you are a big girl, you have been waiting for this book. You will have something you want to knit. And you'll understand how to make it fit you.

In other book news, Knitting for Dogs will be in stores very soon! To celebrate, we are having a book signing and doggy fashion show at Knitting in La Jolla on November 5. It's not too late to participate if you are in the area! And it promises to be a lot of fun. Or a chaotic furball of dogs and yarn, but in either case, you won't want to miss it!

The other branch of news: Shannon Okey's Knitgrrl is out. And I saw it in person at the knit shop this week. Scan through and you'll see my name in print under "technical editor". Woo woo. The other Shannon-related news is that I'll be going up to TV-Land at the end of the week to knitster for her (the knitting equivalent of background singers -- doo wop, doo wop!) on DIY network's Knitty Gritty. Anyway, it'll be fun to actually meet her face-to-face! Coming back round to my closet cleaning -- I've got to decide what to wear for TV. No stripes, no bold prints. No sleeveless shirts. If I had ponied up the closet pictures you would see the issues here. On the one hand this seems like a trivial choice -- on the other hand, what is the question I've been asked most about my other appearance on Knitty Gritty? Tell me about the sweater you're wearing! Stay tuned.

posted by kristi at 10/08/2005 06:28:00 AM
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